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Interesting profile relay

1. Zela17 January 2010, 15:35 GMT +00:00

With all those old and new members I find browsing profiles a nice way to get acquainted.
Who has the funniest, most interesting or inviting profile?

Here is my first find. Not an active photographer yet although with a little encouragement this might change soon ;-) but a profile to watch for news on the site.


Keep us posted Lennie!!!

Now who is next?

2. macieklew19 January 2010, 23:13 GMT +01:00

Miguel, who uses only Free Software: http://www.rgbstock.com/user/saavem

3. lennie19 January 2010, 23:59 GMT +01:00

I think Miguel is on PCLinuxOS. I mostly run Ubuntu and Debian systems myself, Jay has some Ubuntu and Debian at home as well.

This site is running on Linux also.

Even my TV, my car-navigation and my mobile phone run Linux (just turned out that way, most people wouldn't know that they bought a Linux-device).

So I wouldn't say it's uncommon. :-)

4. macieklew20 January 2010, 0:09 GMT +01:00

I didn't mean it's uncommon.

Actually almost every Internet user uses Linux indirectly, as it's commonly used as server operating system.

I just wanted to stress that one of our photographer is a great fan of Free Software and the Free Software could be used for the photo editing with good result.

I think the idea behind the Free Software is very simillar to our idea: to share.

5. Zela20 January 2010, 8:54 GMT +01:00

Good find Maciej, and you are right. This topic is about interesting profiles to get to know our new members and their work they submit to RGBStock.com fast.

But who blames Lennie for being most of all interested in the technical stuff as our wizz guy? ;-O

Here is another interesting contributor who only submits illustrations:


6. macieklew20 January 2010, 23:11 GMT +01:00

"Maniac image collector": http://www.rgbstock.com/user/decar66

7. jazza22 January 2010, 13:51 GMT +01:00

my alter ego ;)

8. Zela22 January 2010, 17:25 GMT +01:00

Does this mean I can train you?

9. xymonau23 January 2010, 10:31 GMT +01:00

Something Billy doesn't say in his profile is that he has triplets.

Salva can collect all my images if he wants! LOL

And I KNEW you were snorlax, Jay! You and Lennie have the cutest avatars! Well, maybe the grimacing breakfast cereal needs a little charm transfusion... ;p

10. lennie23 January 2010, 23:08 GMT +01:00

@9. xymonau I don't officially have permission to use it (yet, I did ask) as an avatar-image though.

But atleast I can credit the original creator by linking to the first time the image came online:


( Kit as you may know means baby Fox (although technically a Firefox is a Panda - a Red Panda to be precise) )

Kit is sad because not everyone uses open standards to create their HTML-/CSS-webpages and this makes it very hard for browser makes to display the pages and for the visitors to view the content.

The creator makes more of the same (he works for Mozilla):

More of his work on his blog:

EDIT: I did found out some of his images are on this page:

Turns out the license is creative commons for non-commercial use: http://creative.mozilla.org/designs/106

I'm in the clear, phew ;-)

11. xymonau23 January 2010, 23:55 GMT +01:00

Wow! What a great idea. And the big, sad eyes are really appealing! LOL I never knew a firefox was a panda! The little red guys are adorable. Gee, I don't know much...

12. lennie24 January 2010, 11:54 GMT +01:00

I'm sure their is a lot more information on the internet you don't know yet. ;-)

Their is just to much to know for anyone and when you think about how much gets added every single day, every minute, every milisecond even.

I think it's an amazing invention.

That's also what makes Google and Wikipedia so populair and Wikipedia is such an interresting resource.

13. xymonau24 January 2010, 12:38 GMT +01:00

Yes, Wikipedia was such a great idea. You don't have to pay anyone to compile it, and everyone can write about their field of knowledge, and edit or challenge mistakes. The internet is just so vast. And I'm so pedestrian that I end up on the same few sites most of the time! Thank goodness for StumbleUpon! :)

14. lennie24 January 2010, 16:48 GMT +01:00

Congratiolations with your new avatar, btw. :-)

15. saavem27 January 2010, 9:52 GMT +01:00

Sorry, I arrive late!
@2 & 3
I began in the old spcetrum machine, i worked in DOS and later in WINDOWS. I migrate to LINUX 15 years ago. I worked in lots of distributions (kubuntu, pure devian, fedora, sleckware, suse, and so on. Now a days I'm really confortable in PCLinuxOS as lennie said.

I arrived to the SXC just because the similarity with GPL concept (I agree Maciej exposed point). I never used Photoshop, I just learnt The Gimp (GPL software), but all of you can use The Gimp too. There is a Windows Gimp GTK version for free. You can stop felling as Pirates!. I bet Photoshop is not cheap software.

I'm not so uncommon, 20% users are out of Windows in the world. Maciej, I use my machine as server too. The most of the Microsoft Server machines are running in Linux Apache MySQL and PHP.

I can't return to the horrible windows systems!

16. lennie27 January 2010, 19:37 GMT +01:00

While I fully agree on the topic of Open Source software.

I do thinks Pirates have their advantages, because not all are bad, some even make music ;-)


17. macieklew27 January 2010, 23:35 GMT +01:00


I use Firefox and OpenOffice.org.

And I'd like to migrate to Gimp, but I can't. I'm too lazy, I think.

18. saavem28 January 2010, 18:06 GMT +01:00


I suggest to you a couple of url's:


It's pclinuxos live version. You can download that file, burn it at 4x spped. Be sure in boot sequence (BIOS) you run first CD player than HD. Insert lice cd and start your computer. You will start a complete linux system with The Gimp included. It will run slowly because you are running a virtual OS in your RAM and cd player. Enjoy.

If you want to install the gimp on windows:


Help files for the gimp:


Enjoy linux & gimp

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