woodcut (Stefan Glogovac)

Woodcut is Australia’s top supplier of engineered timber flooring and hardwood flooring located in Richmond, Australia. With over 17 years of experience, we deliver premium and complete engineered timber flooring solutions across Melbourne, Sydney and around Australia. We specialise in the supply and installation of premium engineered timber flooring, floating timber floors, oak flooring, European oak flooring, American & French oak, Douglas Fir and Dutch Elm.

WOODCUT ensures quality and consistency during the manufacturing process. Our projects are characterized by the best of European oak flooring and French oak utilized for floating, hardwood and prefinished flooring.

WOODCUT, a timber flooring specialist prides itself on supplying the right timber for the right application. We don’t just sell timber; we install and manage your project from start to finish. Call timber flooring specialists now.


Imię: Stefan Glogovac
Płeć: nieznana
Miasto: Melbourne
Kraj: Australia
Aparat foto:
Na Rgbstock od: August 2017
Galeria brak
Ilość zdjęć: 0
Ilość pobrań: 0

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