Ltigroup (Lighting Technology)

In 1994, the Lighting technology was formed with the purpose of delivering comprehensive solutions in energy savings, operating cost reductions, and fast, friendly and efficient service.

Since our early years, we have maintained quality by forging strategic partnerships with quality suppliers. In a world of rapid technological change, we have earned and maintained a reputation as a respected and innovative leader in supplying the highest quality lighting solutions throughout Australia.

Our focus is on: light quality, maintenance reduction and energy savings for large industrial flood lighting, roads and maritime, oil and gas, commercial retail, government, premier entertainment venues and major sporting stadiums.

Imię: Lighting Technology
Płeć: nieznana
Miasto: Nunawading
Kraj: Australia
Aparat foto:
Na Rgbstock od: March 2018
Galeria brak
Ilość zdjęć: 0
Ilość pobrań: 0

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